History of Leadership SUDUT HUKUM | In his book, Kartini Kartono explained that leadership came together with the existence of human civilization; it is since h... By Fakhrul Rozi Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Critical Religion of Marx Discussing about matters including the ideology and the superstructure, finally will escort us to talk about religion. The essence of Marx ... By Fakhrul Rozi Sunday, 13 August 2017
The Importance of Accomplishing Amanah In the Qur'an there is a verse that relates to ethical leaders who ordered to fulfill the mandate of the letter of An-Nisa / 4 vers... By Fakhrul Rozi Wednesday, 26 July 2017
About Karl Marx Karl Marx was a German social philosopher and originator of understanding which we now know the name of communism. Marx's writing t... By Fakhrul Rozi 14:00:00
Definition of Leadership The concept of leadership is related to the original meaning, "lead". The word "lead" is a word commonly found in anc... By Fakhrul Rozi 12:25:00