

Stop yelling at the movie, you ain’t never gonna change it like that. Go change the movie in the projector. You are the projector.~David Icke

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.~Wayne Dyer

The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.~Swedish Proverb

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.~Dr. Seuss

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.~Jim Rohn

Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible.~Unknown

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.~John Wayne

A hard fall means a high bounce... if you're made of the right material.~Unknown

If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.~Tom Stoppard

There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its reward is that it’s easy.~Unknown

When there are no enemies within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.~African proverb

The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments.~Gustave Flaubert

When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.~Viktor Frankl

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.~Albert Einstein

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