
Characteristics of Good Writing

The writing process is learned by and large in an environment social criticism, social thinking, creative use of language, and repeated failure. To write well, the writer has to know the characteristics of good writing. There are some characteristics of good writing, they are:[1]
  • Coherence
A paragraph has to coherence when the supporting sentences are ordered according to principle. The sentences are put in order so that the reader can understand the ideas easily. The principles for order depend on the type of paragraph you are writing.
  • Cohesion
Another characteristic of good writing is cohesion. When a paragraph has cohesion, all the supporting the sentences connect to each other in their support of the topic sentence. The methods of connecting sentences to each other are called cohesive devices. For important cohesive devices are connectors, definite articles, personal pronoun, and demonstrative pronoun.
  • Unity
The final characteristics of good writing are unity. All the supporting sentences should relate to the topic sentences. A sentence has belonged in a paragraph. And each paragraph has to correlate with other sentences.

[1] Chintya A Boardman, Writing to Communicate Paragraph and Essay,3rd (Essex: Pearson Longman, 2008), p. 18.

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